How to Reduce Belly Fat and Effective Diet Plan


How to Reduce Belly Fat

How to Reduce Belly Fat


Belly fat is visceral fat deposited around the liver and other abdominal organs, close to the portal vein that carries blood to the liver. This fat can be harmful for the body. However, the right steps can be done to lose belly fat. However, spot reduction (reducing fat from an area of the body) is not a practice that is recommended by yohealthclub. Nevertheless, some measures to reduce belly fat have been discussed in the upcoming parts of this article.

Major Causes of Belly Fat

Contrary to popular belief, people with a normal or healthy body mass index (BMI) who have excess belly fat (excess belly fat) also have an increased risk of many health problems. Below, are some possible causes of excessive belly fat accumulation:

Sugar-Rich Foods and Beverages

According to studies, consuming too much sugar is associated with having too much abdominal fat. This is mainly due to additional refined sugar during processing. While too much sugar in any form is bad, drinks with added sugar are especially dangerous.


Alcohol intake is another factor that may be contributing to the quick growth of abdominal fat. According to studies, drinking too much alcohol leads to more belly fat. According to one study, males who drank more than three drinks per day had an 80% increased risk of having excess body fat.

Sedentary Lifestyle

How fit your body is and how much activity you engage in also plays a major role in the accumulation of belly fat. According to one study, those who engaged in resistance training or aerobic activity for a year after losing weight were able to avoid developing belly fat, as opposed to those who did not exercise experienced a 25-38% increase in belly fat. Had to do.


In times of stress, the adrenal glands release cortisol, also called the "stress hormone." When under stress, people frequently overeat, and cortisol causes extra calories to be stored as belly fat.


Similar to genes playing a major role in increased risk of obesity, genetics may be partly responsible for the body's tendency to accumulate fat in the abdominal area.

Ways to Reduce Belly Fat

A well-thought-out program must be followed in order to lose tummy fat. Listed below are some suggestions for reducing abdominal fat deposition:

Ways to Reduce Belly Fat

Ways to Reduce Belly Fat

1. Adequate Sleep

Sleep has an effect on many aspects of one's health, including the development of belly fat. It has been established that those who do not get adequate sleep frequently get overweight. Lack of sleep increases the levels of ghrelin (hunger hormone) in the body and decreases the levels of leptin, which is responsible for making you feel more hungry.

Reduced glucose tolerance, metabolic, and endocrine alterations are all results of sleep deprivation. When you're tired, your brain looks for something tempting to feel better. Thus, even if you might be able to control your cravings for comfort food, a lack of sleep can make it difficult for you to resist indulging in them. Weight gain may result from hormonal imbalance brought on by this.

A minimum of 7 hours of restful sleep per night is required to prevent obesity. The quality of sleep is as important as the total duration of your sleep time. So ensure a good sleep.

2. Drink Enough Water

There is a direct relationship between water consumption and weight loss. Studies show that water helps the body store and metabolize fat efficiently.

Drinking water at regular intervals throughout the day makes you feel full and less hungry. In addition, our bodies can misinterpret hunger with thirst. Therefore, it's usually a good idea to sip on some water before breakfast to determine whether your body is truly hungry or thirsty.

Everyone is aware that the finest beverage for quenching thirst is water. Sugar is present in all juices and fizzy drinks, which boosts your calorie intake. Therefore, water is the best drink for weight loss instead of any other drink.

Drinking one or two glasses of warm water in the morning can help you a lot in reducing weight and belly fat and in cleansing your system.

3. Exercise Regularly

Exercising daily helps in controlling body weight. Exercise is essential, but there are differing opinions on how intense a regular exercise practice should be. But a qualified fitness instructor can help you with this.

However, your workout's duration and intensity should be closely correlated with your gender, age, and BMI.

Before beginning high-intensity exercise (HIIT), it is important to speak with a personal fitness trainer.

4. Watch and Track Your Calorie Consumption

Excess calorie consumption in any form gets stored as fat in the body. It is ideal to keep track of the number of calories consumed and spent on a daily basis. It may aid in preventing the buildup of body fat.

A calorie deficit is a fantastic strategy to lose weight. A 500 calorie deficit can cause weight reduction of 0.4 kg or 1 lb every week. For this you can use the calorie tracker available on the yohealthclub coming..

5. Make Sure to Have Breakfast

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, as it provides the energy levels needed to start your day. Skipping breakfast disturbs your metabolism, which slows down the fat burning process.

Additionally, on days you don't eat breakfast, you're more likely to eat unbalanced meals throughout the day. Eating a nutritious breakfast in the morning makes you less attracted to unhealthy and harmful foods and you don't feel as hungry throughout the day. You can make your breakfast healthy and nutritious by including natural foods like eggs, oats, fruits and nuts.

Efficient Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

Exercise plays an important role in almost every weight loss path. Exercises that concentrate on the abdominal region will assist get rid of belly fat. Below are 4 exercises you can do to lose belly fat:

Efficient Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

1: Vertical Leg Crunch

  • First of all, lie down on your back on a mat.
  • Then fold your hands and take them behind your neck.
  • Now keep both your legs straight and lift them upwards. In this situation, the shape of your body will be like the English letter L.
  • Keep in mind that the waist should be flat on the floor.
  • While doing this, try to raise the upper part of the body as much as possible while exhaling.
  • Try to stop yourself in this position for some time.
  • Now while breathing, slowly come back downwards and repeat this process 12-16 times.

2: Bicycle Exercise

  • Lie down on a mat or on the floor and place your hands either behind your head or to your sides like you do for crunches.
  • Get on your knees and lift your legs off the ground.
  • Keeping the left foot down, bring the right knee near the chest.
  • Take the right foot down and bring the left foot towards the chest.
  • Bend your knees alternately as if you were riding a bicycle.

3: Crunches

Start by lying flat with your feet on the ground and your knees bent.

Raise your hands up and then place them behind your head or cross them over your chest. Take a deep breath.

Release the bull as you lift your upper torso off the floor. When you come back down, inhale again and exhale as you come up.

If you're a beginner, start by doing 10 crunches per set. Each day, try to do two to three sets of crunches.

4: Bird Dog Exercise

  • For this, first of all place an exercise mat, flat cushion or folded towel below the knees.
  • Then extend legs and arms to tabletop position.
  • Now keep the knees below the hips and hands below the shoulders.
  • Pull the shoulders together while keeping the spine straight.
  • After this, lift the right hand and left leg and keep the shoulders and hips parallel to the floor.
  • Lengthen the back of the neck and rest the chin on the chest and on the floor.
  • Become normal after staying in this position for some time.
  • Now raise the left hand and right leg, remain in this position for a few seconds.
  • Let us know from yohealthclub senior fitness coach Ashutosh how you can do some of these exercises to reduce belly fat.
  • An indicative diet plan to reduce belly fat

To reduce belly fat, it is very important to eat the right kind of diet. It is best to adhere to a well-planned diet that meets your demands and expectations.

We have prepared for you an indicative diet plan of 1200 calories which will help you understand how you can plan your diet. However, it should be noted that the 1500 calorie diet plan is ideal for men, while the 1200 calorie diet plan works better for women.

As everyone knows, dietary requirements vary from person-to-person. So before choosing any plan, consult a nutritionist to understand which plan works best for you, and choose your diet accordingly.

  • 7 am: Lemon cinnamon water (1 glass)
  • 8:00 a.m.: One sandwich of vegetables and one glass of skim milk.
  • 11 a.m.: Five almonds and one cup of sliced watermelon
  • 1 pm: Masala Khichdi (2 bowls), Sprouted Curd Salad (1 bowl), Low Fat Curd Kadhi (1 bowl)
  • 3:30 pm: Buttermilk (1 glass)
  • 4 pm: Green tea (1 cup)
  • 5 pm: Boiled gram (half bowl)
  • 8:30 p.m.: Two chapatis, one bowl of pak choy, and one half of a cucumber
  • 11:00 pm: Skimmed (fat-free) milk (1 cup)
  • Start your day with a glass of lemon-cinnamon water.
  • Have a vegetable sandwich for breakfast, along with a glass of skimmed milk.
  • After this, eat fruits and almonds at 11:00 am.
  • Have lunch at 1:00 pm. Have a bowl of sprouted curd salad and low-fat curd kadhi along with two bowls of masala khichdi.
  • At 3:30 pm, drink a glass of buttermilk to aid in digestion.
  • At 4:00 pm, sip some green tea.
  • Take a half-bowl of boiling gram after one hour.
  • Eat two rotis, a dish of palak paneer, and a half-cucumber for dinner.
  • Drink a cup of skim milk to round off your day.

Make sure your diet is balanced, and that you are consuming as many nutrients as possible, while also ensuring that you burn more calories than your daily intake. For a better understanding of how to plan your diet for a week, check out a weekly plan given here.

Important Foods to Help Control Belly Fat

Important Foods to Help Control Belly Fat

1. Eat Protein Rich Diet

Given that it decreases hunger, overeating, and junk food cravings, protein is likely the most significant macronutrient for weight loss.

Protein-rich foods help speed up your metabolism, making it easier to lose weight. Protein not only helps build muscle but also prevents muscle loss if you are on a calorie-restricted diet.

Some common protein-rich foods are black beans, lentils, curd, cheese and milk, eggs, lean meat, chicken and fish.

2. Reduce Carbohydrate Consumption

When we consume foods high in carbohydrates, our fat storage hormones go into overdrive.

Eating carbohydrate-rich foods like white bread, rice, cakes and biscuits and sugary foods like soft drinks, packed juices and chocolates lead to excess glucose in the bloodstream. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas to help remove this substantial amount of glucose from the bloodstream.

Over time high levels of insulin result in fat storage, especially around the abdomen. Therefore to control the amount of insulin we should restrict our carb intake.

3. Avoid Trans-Fats

When any type of oil is exposed to heat (from a flame or oven), its molecular formula changes, and hydrogen atoms disintegrate in the heat, causing the fat's bonds to double and triple. . As a result the fat gets ‘transformed’. This is known as trans fat and is visible by a change in the color of the oil from yellow to black or dark brown.

Any food cooked in this modified fat (oil) is called trans-fat food. Trans fat consumption out of control raises blood cholesterol levels and raises the risk of heart disease. As a result, muscle cells have a harder time converting glucose into energy. When these muscle cells cannot use the glucose, it remains in the bloodstream and its levels increase excessively, resulting in a surge of insulin and increased fat storage concentrated around the abdomen.

4. Eat Plenty of Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber combined with water slows down the speed at which your food moves through your digestive system. This is because fiber passes through your digestive system. This type of fiber is helpful in weight loss because it makes you feel full for a longer period of time, which can help you avoid consuming unnecessary food.

If you're planning to adopt a balanced fiber diet, don't increase it all at once. Give your body time to adjust to this diet. If you increase your fiber intake too quickly, you may experience common side effects like stomach upset, cramps, and even diarrhea.

5. Do Not Consume Alcohol

The side effects of alcohol consumption can spread faster than you think. In a way, alcohol has a very negative effect on your body. The biggest example of which is the increased risk of abdominal obesity. Alcohol consumption causes more hunger and less satiety, leading the person to consume bad (junk) food.

If consumed in excess, it causes stress on the stomach and intestines. This reduces your digestive secretions, and this is harmful for healthy digestion. Alcohol consumption at all levels can impair digestion and absorption of these nutrients. This can have significant effects on the metabolism of organs involved in weight control.

6. Drink Green Tea

Green tea is rich in nutrients and antioxidants that accelerate fat burning, help in weight loss and make you healthy in many different ways.

Green tea is a healthy beverage that contains an antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that helps speed up metabolism. EGCG can act as a natural appetite suppressant (appetite suppressant) to ensure that you consume fewer calories. This can help you in losing weight. Green tea is a great source of caffeine, which helps your body burn both fat and calories.

Avoid adding any sweeteners (like sugar, honey, milk or cream) to your green tea if you want to best reap its benefits. The effect of antioxidants in green tea can be further strengthened when you consume it along with regular exercise.

However, like any other food and beverage, consuming green tea in excess can have potential side effects. Read our article about the possible side effects of excess green tea.

Health disorders associated with belly fat accumulation (increased belly fat)

In addition to high BMI, excessive fat accumulation in the abdominal area can potentially cause the following health risks:

  • heart disease (cardiovascular disease)
  • sleep apnea
  • colorectal cancer
  • Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes
  • high blood pressure

It is also important to understand that no person can reduce belly fat overnight. The best way to lose belly fat is to adopt a long-term plan. However, following the above tips can get you one step closer to your fat loss goals. Also, it is ideal to talk to an expert before embarking on your weight loss goals. Talk to some of the best nutritionists and fitness coaches in India and start your journey towards losing weight.

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